Senin, 02 Januari 2012


Dia menjadi penyelamat hidup saya.

Terimakasih, 12.

Rabu, 08 September 2010

How To Face The Truth

When you have to be in the middle of something, like in between and don't want to choose of one side of the thing, then i supposed to call that the situation where you have to face the truth. Maybe in one side, you think that it's wrong but you have to keep with that but in the other side, you think it's right but you don't have to keep with that. It's confusing to choose between wrong but you have to and right but you can let it go.

This is how life works. You choose, and that's your destiny. You not choose, then you'll regret. Sometimes, even we cannot think what's wrong and what's right. Little bit confusing though. But, what I can say is never deny your heart voice. Hear it. Listen to it.

Someone said please face the reality wisely.
That's how we supposed to face the truth.
Hear and listen your heart voice.
Logic and your heart voice is the best combination.

That's how we face the truth.

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

I Found You.

This is the part where I couldn't Thank God more.

I see lot of fun, laughs I already through recently with you. It's kinda amazing having someone like you, someone who can make me laugh again and someone who can make me a better me, someone who can make me would do anything to make this relationship workout.

Once, You made my cry. I waited for you, and i don't stop believing though few friends told me to let go my feeling for you. I just can't let it go. Just can't. They said I'm a dumb.
I don't know if I'm a dumb or not. The thing i know is I'm having fun. I found happiness with you, even though you gave me a damage for myself.
I was starting to not care of what people said.
Then, i realized that I care for you that much.


It's been months and it's growing.
From nothing into something.

Now, surprisingly I found myself love you that much.
We have a thing.
This is something.
Something called relationship.
Something called love.
This isn't the end of my hopes.
This isn't the end of my believing.
This is the start.
This is the new page of us.
And I thank God for that.

Two things I can ask you for,
Don't ever go and make it great for us.

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Closure, Talita & Aditya

Talita & Aditya adalah dua tokoh ciptaan gue. Sekitar taun lalu, gue bikin cerita tentang dua orang yang bernama Talita & Aditya. Waktu itu beberapa kali nggak bisa upload endingnya. Sekarang baru bisa upload :)
Enjoy it! ;)

Aku Talita.
Entah bagaimana aku harus mengungkapkan perasaanku ini. Aditya, Ia datang padaku. Ia membutuhkanku. Aku bagian dari hidupnya. Ia tidak bisa hidup tanpaku. Ia tidak akan pernah bisa sendiri, ataupun bersama orang lain dengan tidak adanya aku disampingnya. Aku Talita, bagian hidup Aditya.

Aku Aditya.
Bagian hidupku adalah Talita. Betapa sulit hidup ini untuk dijelaskan. Hidupku bersama Talita. Ternyata, ini cuma masalah menyadari atau tidak. Bertahun – tahun aku hidup bersama Talita. Bertahun – tahun aku tidak bisa lepas darinya, dan aku perlu disadarkan. Hidupku bagaikan novel yang sangat tebal. Bergantian datang silih berganti wanita – wanita yang kukira bisa menjadi pendamping hidupku.
Tapi aku salah. Tidak ada orang yang bisa lebih mengenal aku, daripada Talita. Dan, aku tidak bisa lagi mengenal lebih baik wanita lain, selain Talita.
Aku mencintai dia. Aku mencintai Talita.
Aku membutuhkan dia untuk jadi pendampingku.
Ia mengenal aku lebih baik daripada diriku sendiri.

Aku mengenalnya lebih baik daripada siapapun. Aku berhak mencintai dia lebih dari siapapun juga.

Tidak akan pernah lagi aku meninggalkan Talita. Dia bagian dari hidupku, aku tidak bisa lepas – sedikit pun – darinya.

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

I am/was a quitter

I always quit on something
Never done anything. I always quit.
I always quit on someone.
It's like always find another better

Once, i promise not to quit.
unfortunately, a good luck wasn't on me.
i was back to real me.
a quitter.

it's too early to call you the one.
it is not, you are not, yet i guess.
but today i heard myself,
regretting why should be like this
why should i be a quitter.

it is a big step.
for me.
i am not going to quit on you.
not without efforts.
i am not quitting on you.
i am not a quitter.

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Away and Hide

Actually, this is the lyric of my new song. If you want to listen the song, please check out myspace :
Thanks :)
And, this is dedicated to someone. You know who you are :)


I've been through all these stories
But I never thought it's gonna end like this
I know,it's too soon,think I'm gonna miss
I try to let you know
But I decided to go, and tried to say no
Because you keep me alive but leave me high and dry

I run away and hide and I start to cry
Choosing not anymore by your side
Give me space,to let you fly away from my head
So, I run away and hide

You give me strength, but you break me
You give me happinness, but you give me pain
I misread things and an empty brings
Vain all the smiles and moments we had

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Happiness Mask

I've been in so much pain.
Then I found you.
Apparently, you are also the pain.

You are the pain with happiness mask.

A Year Ago.

A year ago, I saw you from distance.
A year ago, I adored you.

A present, I adore you.
A present, We're building something.


A future, still blur.
A future, will there be one?

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

Moot Court Competition, ALSA, and Family.

Setiap tahunnya ALSA National Chapter Indonesia menyelenggarakan Moot Court Competition di setiap Local Chapter yang berbeda. Kali ini, akhirnya gue bisa cerita tentang acara nasional gue yang ketiga di ALSA dan bercerita kenapa selama bulan Januari dan Februari harus absen untuk ngepost di Blog :)

Sebagai mahasiswa fakultas hukum, gue menyadari kalau ternyata belajar tentang praktek itu penting. Masa iya, gue udah capek-capek kuliah di fakultas hukum tapi nggak belajar tentang praktek sama sekali. Lewat mooting (peradilan semu), mahasiswa fakultas hukum diberikan wadah untuk belajar mengenai peradilan dan tata cara beracara di persidangan. Harusnya ini gue lakukan dari entah kapan tau. Tapi entah karena apa juga, gue nggak ngerti gue baru bisa ikutan di MCC tahun 2010, yang sebenernya agak telat, tapi seperti kata pepatah "tidak ada kata terlambat untuk belajar" :)

Awalnya, gue melihat kehidupan temen-temen gue yang mooting itu sebagai kehidupan yang "nggak punya hidup". Terus-terusan latihan "hanya" untuk berkompetisi dengan mahasiswa dari fakultas hukum lainnya. Gue belum bisa melihat manfaatnya waktu itu. Terus, gue tiba-tiba memutuskan kalau gue harus ikut, gue harus coba, dan gue harus belajar. Dan masuk lah gue ke dalam tim MCC UI untuk MCC ALSA 2010.

Dua setengah bulan berjalan.
Latihan demi latihan gue dan tim lewatin. Tawa demi tawa, tangis demi tangis,cacian demi cacian, dan juga kepedulian satu sama lain kita lewati bareng-bareng. Bayangin aja, selama dua bulan setengah, dikala temen-temen kita yang lain nikmatin liburannya, kita harus belajar berkutat dengan alur kasus, KUHAP, KUHP dan lainnya. Dikala temen-temen kita seneng-seneng refreshing sehabis ujian, kita harus berkutat dengan 18 orang teman lainnya yang ada di dalam tim yang punya watak yang berbeda-beda, kita harus beradaptasi.
Tiba kemudian, hari keberangkatan. Tim MCC dari UI berangkat ke Palembang, ke tempat kompetisi berlangsung menggunakan Bus. Terimakasih sebelumnya untuk Blue Bird Group yang sudang mensponsori keberangkatan kami :)
Setelah sampai di Palembang, sebelum hari H yang menyeramkan itu datang, kami terus-terusan latihan. terus menerus kami berdoa. Kami semangat.

Hari H.
Kami menampilkan yang terbaik.

Malam itu, malam pengumuman, tim mana yang akan menginjakkan kakinya di babak final.
Kami tidak lolos.

Banyak banget pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang muncul di otak gue, pertanyaan kenapa sih kita bisa nggak lolos? Ada yang salah sama kita? Apa emang kita sejelek itu? Apa kita kurang latihan? Apa kita emang nggak pantes untuk ngewakilin UI? Apa kita emang nggak pantes jadi juara?
Tapi, setelah malam itu, setelah semua orang berbicara, baik temen-temen tim dan juga temen2 official, kami (gue khususnya) sadar kalau semuanya terjadi pasti untuk yang terbaik, pasti ada hikmah yang bisa kita ammbil dari situ.

Perjuangan yang sudah dilewati nggak akan berhenti sampai disitu. Lewat mooting ini, lewat tim ini gue akhirnya bisa belajar banyak. Mungkin kita emang blm bisa dapet piala, bawa piala Mahkamah Agung yang super gede dan super shiny itu ke Depok. Tapi, lewat tim ini gue bisa belajar sesuatu yang lebih bermakna, lebih bermanfaat, bahkan lebih agung daripada piala Mahkamah Agung itu. Pertama, gue bisa belajar lebih banyak tentang hukum pidana yang tadinya gue anti banget haha. Kedua, gue bisa belajar lebih banyak tentang hukum acara itu sendiri. Ketiga, gue bisa belajar banyak banget untuk membuat toleransi untuk orang lain. Keempat, gue belajar untuk bisa menghargai pendapat orang lain, menghargai keputusan orang lain walupun itu akan berujung untuk kita juga, dan juga gue bisa belajar bersabar. Kelima, gue belajar untuk terus berjuang dan nggak putus asa dalam menghadapi apapun. Ini yang paling penting. Di tim ini, gue
belajar untuk terus bertahan. Gue belajar untuk terus menghadapi apa yang menghadang, dan juga menghadapi hal-hal yang nggak disukai. Disini, gue belajar untuk nggak gampang menyerah, untuk nggak gampang putus asa.
Terakhir, setelah gue bisa belajar banyak, gue pun dapet pencerahan. Mata gue terbuka untuk itu, ternyata gue menemukan keluarga baru. Disini gue belajar untuk bisa menerima orang lain yang mungkin punya banyak perbedaan pendapat, untuk jadi partner kita, untuk jadi teman kita, dan untuk jadi keluarga kita.

Mooting bukan "nggak punya hidup", tapi justru di mooting kita bisa belajar banyak tentang hidup :)

Special thanks to :
Sarah dan Aceng, sebagai teman sesama stres, ternyata kita bisa :)
Vya, walaupun bukan tim mooting, tapi vice gue yg satu ini sangat membantu hidup gue dan ALSA dengan terus mensupport:)
Ega, sebagai teman yang terus semangat.
Kak Fisela, sebagai senior yang selalu mau dengerin curhatan gue tentang mooting :)
Tiur, sebagai inang yg ga pernah putus asa ngehadepin tim ini.
Ncis, sebagai teman bergosip :p
Kiky dan Aso, sebagai dua junior yg agak aneh tp sangat menghibur hahaha
Anov, sebagai ketua tim yang super
Domas, Kharis, dan Randolph, sebagai trio yg menyenangkan :)
Quina, si junior janda genit yg selalu menyemangati
Tisya, si panitera seksi yang sedia kala meng encourage setiap orang
Nisran, si kaku yang ternyata kocak juga haha
Sandra Ajeb dan Abet, si duo super kocak dan super gosip :)
Heber, mentiku waktu BPMB, sayang banget ga bisa ikut ke Palembang
Kak Yvonne dan Kak Andre, official yang selalu jadi tempat curhatan aku
Sea, pj mcc dari exafer!
Kak Nancy (echhyy :p ), Roni, Kak dita, Gracek, makasih buat terus terusan ngebimbing kita
Bang Wayan, terimakasih atas lawakan "skandal jepitnya"
Boyan, partner gue tahun depan, kita harus bisa yan :)
Terimakasih juga untuk teman-teman di FHUI yang udah membantu juga senior dan alumni-alumni yang senantiasa membimbing, esp. Bang Dodik :)

Dan terimakasih untuk temen-temen ALSA Nasional, senang bertemu lagi dengan kalian, khususnya untuk temen-temen yang sangat menghibur :):):)

We didn't bring the Trophy, but We got more than a Victory. It is a Family.

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Second time, the more i addict.

Seminar Nasional ALSA 2009. That was the second time i attended national event of ALSA National Chapter Indonesia, the more i join the more i addict. It was really fun from the very beginning : 21 delegations from Universitas Indonesia were going to Jogjakarta to attend the event. 18 persons were going by the same train from Gambir to Tugu station, and the others were having another train. It was like giant family were going to have some holiday together! :)

First day of seminar, honestly was so boring and we were soooo sleeppyy :D but it was quite fun tho, at least for myself hehe. I met friends from another chapter, friends who i knew before in POWB and new friends also.

In the first night, we (UI delegations) were having a little-trip to Alun-Alun Selatan Jogjakarta, that is the Alun-Alun (Taman) Keraton Jogjakarta that can be visited by the people. It was dark, but fun :)

On the second day, after we had a workshop we were having a closing ceremony at Law Campus UGM. We sang together, danced together, we shared laugh and get around together because that was the last night we had together. I felt another yearning already :)

After all, the next day, the last day we were together at Jogjakarta, our committee friends from ALSA UGM were accompanying us to Prambanan and Taman sari, as our City Tour. And again (i wont tired to say ) it was fun, fun, fun, and fun! Besides we had time and tour together, ME MYSELF CAN TOOK PICTURES! WOW, the site is really really interesting to capture on. I LOVE JOGJA :)

I really hope that God will give me another chances to have a national event which will be my third, fourth, and on and on :)
And last thing, i would like to thank our Liaison Officer, Diva, Cynthia and Ferdy :)

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009


It's a little bit funny and ridiculous. All of a sudden, I like you. I missed some chances to get to know you.

It's funny. I like you once. It disappeared. And now all of a sudden I see you such a nice a guy, care, fun, and lovely one.

It's awkward to hear story about you and that other girl.
It's confusing.
I like you now.

Kamis, 19 November 2009

Freedom to write a Blog as a Freedom of Expression


Nowadays, having and writing in our own blog become more popular in most communities. There are a lot kind of blogs which has been made in internet, either it’s a serious written-theme or not, either it is a blog that contained of news or the blog that has been made for an entertainment such as jokes-blog that contained of funny-jokes.

Freedom to write in a media called blog is one of the ways for people can express their ideas and opinions into a written, in order to let the society know what is on their mind and in order to give any informations and ideas to the society as the objective. Furthermore, the aim in writing an idea is the freedom of expression either it is in the form of protest or motivation for anyone.

The freedom to write in a blog is the freedom of expression, and the freedom of expression is also on of the Human Rights which are protected by the law in Indonesia. There are also some rules,norms and principles applied and must be obeyed so that blog-writers will not harm other people’s rights.

Freedom of Expression
"Freedom of information is a fundamental human right and ... the touchstone of all the freedoms to which the United Nations is consecrated." . Freedom of expression has been developed to be such an essential issue related to Human Rights. Human Right is rights (as freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture, and execution) regarded as belonging fundamentally to all persons . It is explained that this human rights is the basic rights which have to protect of every human life in this world. There is also other definition of Human Rights in Indonesian Human Rights Law Number 39 Year 1999 Article 1 which explain that human rights is a set of rights attributed with nature of human as a God creature which have to be respected by Law, Government and other people.
Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.
International has declared freedom of expression (also known as freedom of speech) as one of human rights. Thus, this kind of freedom should be protected by the Law and respected by all human life in this world also by the Government. Freedom of expression has already begin in the 17th century. Freedom of has been seen as a basic philosophic concept, as a problem in government, and as a legal or constitutional right. John Milton in his Areopagiticia of 1644 : “Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties”. Also, there is an argument came from John Miller in a relation to freedom of speech an, and he said that freedom of speech included therein the right of express, to get information, to express an idea. There are three aspects according to John Miller’s argument, among others :
• the right to seek information and ideas;
• the right to receive information and ideas;
● the right to impart information and ideas

The constitutions of many old and new governments mention freedom of expression explixitly. Thus, Article 11 of the French Declration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, adopted in 1789, explain that “every citizen may speak, write and publish freely” and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on Dec. 10, 1948 “everyone has the right of freedom of opinion and expression”.

Freedom To Write

Writing is commonly known as a hobby. But, just a few of people who realized that writing is one of the media that we can use as a democracy tool. By writing something we can share our ideas, wants and feels about anything. In a relation with democracy, we can share our protest, ideas and feels to the Government who role the state we are living in.

There are a lot of media we can use as writing field, such as Diary, Newspaper, Magazine, and Blog. In this essay, writer want to explain about writing a blog related to Law which protect it. Thus, in the next paragraph will explain more about blog and other related issues and problems.

As mentioned in previous part (Freedom of Expression), there is a law that mentioned about the right of freedom of opinion and expression. It is in French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen 1789. A blog is one of the art that can be a media for people to write on and publish it easily through internet. Based on that, we can refer it to International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights that writing a blog is one of freedom which protected by Law. ICCPR mentioned that everyone has a right to freedom of expression either orally , in print or in writing in the form of art or through other media of his choice.

Blog is a free media through internet so people can easily write their feelings and others in order to people know about it. In addition, blog is just not easy for the writer to write anything but also it is easy for the reader or target to get any information because the internet is nowadays easier to reach. A lot of people write a blog to express what they think and what is their ideas or just want protest about anything with different intention of each writer. It refers to John Miller’s argument according to three aspects of freedom of speech / expression : the right to seek, to receive, and to impart information and ideas.

Lots of website or social networking contained of blog facility inside them. It proves that nowadays people more concern about expressing their ideas and opinion into a written. They facilitating people to write in a blog, to express their ideas and opinion, because democracy is growing up and the essence of democracy is public ideas and opinion. Freedom to write is important according to democracy, because writing and especially writing in a blog is one of the ways people can express their thoughts about the Government’s project and Government itself. From the blog, Government can also know about what their people thought about their project.

Other example of function of writing a blog is we can share about our dissapoinment of private-public facility, such as Hospital. Few months ago we heard about Prita-case, which told us that there is a woman named Prita and she sent an email to her friend that contained of protest / disappointing comment about Omni Hospital in Jakarta and her friend publish Prita’s comment into a blog. Then, Omni Hospital hold back and reported Prita for the defamation. Afterwards, Prita get caught by the police and the Through this case we can learn, about the protection of human rights especially on freedom of expression is not well-protected in Indonesia. Because, there is only a Law that protect human rights but it is just protect a general of human right. There is no National Law in Indonesia which protect freedom of expression specifically.
Freedom to write as a freedom of expression is one of the set of human rights. There are many constitutions, laws, and international convenant mentioned about human rights especially on freedom of expression in order to try to protect it. But, as mentioned in a previous paragraph, in Indonesia there is still no Laws mentioned of freedom of expression specifically. It is better if Indonesia has Laws which can protect freedom of expression for its people, it is as well Indonesia is a democracy state which should give a freedom to its people to express their ideas and opinion based on human rights. However, behind a freedom to expression there is also norms which have to obeyed in order to respect other’s rights. Hence, as a good citizen we can use our right as a human but not harm other people’s rights.

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Single Corner

This is the room that i've been living in 10 years. This is the place where my inspirations come, this is the place where I can share every single ideas in my head to write, this is the place that i'm being my self, and this romm is the place who really know about me. This is me.

I have my own name in my door :D

The corner of life. The corner of ideas and inspirations.

The corner of beauty :p

I often forgot about what the things i should do. Here's the remembral of every things to do such as an ass-ignment.

The board where i can put my works,i want make this room to be my own gallery :p

And the last corner is the place where i put my abandoned books because of : 1)forget that i still have something to read and 2)don't have that much of time to read anymore :'(
Baru menyadari, ternyata Blog gue sudah berumur 1 tahun! hahaha maaf ya blog, padahal udah lewat sebulan. :)

source : from google-image.

First Life in ALSA National Event

Hey bloggers, udah lama banget nggak pernah ngepost lagi hehe. This time post, i want to share a story, a first time experience of mine in National Event of ALSA (Asian Law Students' Association). This is the national event called "Pramunas and Outward Bound of ALSA". Kali ini, yang jadi host POWB itu ALSA Local Chapter Unpad.

This was the first time i joined the ALSA National event. And that was the great experience for me. I really really really enjoyed of every moment happened there. It was held in Bandung and Ciwidey.

Gue dan temen2 dari UI berangkat ke acara nasional ini ber-15. Tapi awalnya, yang dateng cuma 5 orang, dan sisanya menyusul karena waktu itu ada ujian.

Dari kiri-kanan : Yvonne, Gue, Sisil, Yuli, Tisya. Ini waktu Opening di kampus FH Unpad.

Delegasi yang ALSA UI bawa itu ada 15 orang dengan 3 orang yang akan sidang di Pramunas, dan 12 orang lainnya ikut outbound sama temen2 nasional lainnya.

Acara mulai hari Rabu dan berakhir sampai Sabtu. Hari rabu siang kita berangkat ke Ciwidey. Malemnya, gue yvonne dan andrea langsung ikut sidang yang dipimpin langsung sama National Board ALSA Indonesia. Ini kali pertama gue ikut sidang kayak beginian. I was a lil bit nervous, and wondered what should i do in this room and i wasn't pretty much know with each other local chapter friends. Ada 11 Local Chapter lainnya yang dateng dari seluruh indonesia, ada Universitas Syiah Kuala, Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Jendral Soedirman, Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Dipenogoro, Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Jember, Universitas Hasanuddin, dan Universitas Sam Ratulangi.

Ya kira - kira beginilah kondisi waktu lagi sidang, hehe. Dan itu Kami dari ALSA LCUI! hehehe

Setelah melalui 2 hari sidang, akhirnya sidangnya berakhir dengan lancar. Semuanya berjalan dengan lancar dan itu semua berkat teman - teman yang sangat kooperatif dan NB yang asik haha. Makasih national board :)
Seiring waktu itu juga, gue akhirnya bisa mengenal temen - temen dari LC lainnya. THEY ARE SO AMAZING. temen - temen baru yang asik - asik banget. Mereka sangat menyenangkan dan lucu! so glad to know each of you guys :)

Ini foto - foto setelah selesai sidang, waktu lagi main-main keesokan harinya, dan waktu main cebur2an sama 'kakak2' dan 'abang2' directors hehe.

And the day to go home was arrived. Sabtu 24 Oktober 2009, diadakan closing ceremony di Aula Patuha Resort Ciwidey. Ternyata, untuk meninggalkan acara nasional itu se-menyedihkan itu. Setelah ketemu temen2 baru, dan ternyata cuma bentar doang ketemunya. Terlalu singkat waktunya ternyata. Juga, waktu bermain - main sama temen2 delegasi UI sendiri hehe.

Yak, dan ini foto - foto gue bersama temen2 ui lainnya sebelum acara closing dimulai.

Closingnya sangat menyenangkan. Dengan kegilaan temen2 dari UI, akhirnya temen2 LC lain juga ikutan gila :p tapi sangat memorable kok :D:D

Empat hari yang sangat menyenangkan. Walaupun awalnya agak bingung dan canggung karena belum kenal sama siapa - siapa, tapi akhirnya karena ALSA gue dan yang lainnya bisa gampang untuk akrab. Pengalaman yang sangat asik untuk bisa ketemu temen - temen dari seluruh Indonesia. Nggak sabar buat dateng lagi ke acara nasional berikutnya. Semoga lancar deh acara nasional berikutnya, lancar dalam artian gue bisa ikut hehehe. Semoga bisa ketemu sama temen2 yang kemarin ikut POWB dan semoga bisa ketemu temen baru lagi biar bisa nambah temen lagi :D

See you ALSAians!

*foto - foto dari my cell and ALSA LC-UNPAD documentation.

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009


Setelah sekian lama nggak megang kamera dan berjalan sama temen2 untuk foto sana sini, tercapai juga foto hunting ilalang di bintaro. Thanks buat Nita dan Bang Daeng si pencetus ide foto hunting ilalang, haha karena setelahnya gue puas bgt dan bertanya tanya kenapa nggak dari dulu aja ya? haha. Buat Iky, si fotografer satu lagi, dan teman2 kampus tercinta yang mau jadi model Vya, Sarah, Riri, dan Uti :)

Jumat, 15 Mei 2009


For the time goes by, never thought i could found you finally.
A good start, and i want a good end.
From a friend, to the end
Become a lover, "I Love You, Marry Me" in a holler
From the good conversation never miss
Become unforgettable kiss

For the time goes by, through it with you
This lovebug always accompany me
Always feel excited everytime i see you
Everytime : Every minute and Every second

For the time goes by, finally without you
This is a great end. and it's better than a good
Our love, forever
through times, our love became greater
through problems, our love became smoother

For the times goes by, I will always remember you
Through this picture, our lovebug.

Another Photosession

Baru sempet masukin foto - foto hunting di kampus sekarang :D padahal ini udah berapa bulan yang lalu.. Hehehe selamat menikmati :D

Talent : Randy Awanda Kamil
Location : Universitas Indonesia

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

Aditya - Catatan Akhir Minggu

Aku Aditya

Sudah sehari - yang rasanya sudah setahun - aku tidak bertemu dengan Talita. Aku malu. Aku merasa hina. Aku tidak pantas bertemu dengannya.

Aku menerima postcard yang Talita berikan padaku, di depan rumahku. Talita tidak bertemu denganku, yang awalnya aku bingung kenapa Ia melakukan hal itu. Tapi, setelah aku tahu isi postcard itu, aku mengerti.

Pikiranku melayang - layang ke waktu - waktu yang sudah berjalan. Waktu - waktu yang menjadi saksi persahabatanku dengan Talita. Sejak kapan Ia jatuh cinta padaku? Apa aku terlalu bodoh untuk menyadarinya, atau kah memang Talita begitu lihai menyembunyikan perasaannya padaku?

Apakah aku menyayaginya?
Apakah aku mencintainya?
Apakah aku membutuhkannya?
Aku tidak tahu jawabannya.

Satu hal yang aku tahu, aku tidak bisa membayangkang hidupku tanpa Talita.

Kamis, 05 Maret 2009

Talita dan Aditya - Dia Berhak Tahu

Aku Talita.
Aku mencintai Aditya, ternyata. Aku mencintai dia, dan dia tidak tahu apa - apa tentang hal ini.
Dia harus tahu perasaan ini. Bukan, dia berhak tahu perasaan ini. Aku tidak boleh menjadi egois untuk tidak bilan kepadanya apa yang aku rasakan.
Lagipula, harus sampai kapan aku harus hidup dalam kebohongan dan dalam kepura - puraan? Kepura - puraan ketika aku harus tersenyum melihat tawanya, ketika aku harus menepuk pundaknya diiringi oleh senyumanku ketika dia sedang kecewa dengan Amanda, ketika aku berpura - pura bahagia ketika sahabatku - yang diam-diam aku cintai - berbahagia dengan wanita lain?

Tapi, disamping itu, aku tahu Aditya akan bahagia bersama Amanda. Mungkin Amanda lah yang bisa menjadi pendamping hidupnya, selain aku. Aditya begitu terlihat tulus mencintai Amanda, bukan aku. Ya, dia mungkin mencintai aku, sebagai sahabatnya, tidak lebih.
Oleh karena itu, walaupun Aditya tahu perasaanku, aku tidak meminta lebih dari Aditya. Aku tidak akan menuntut apapun dari Aditya. Aku tulus. Aku mencintai dia, dan aku ingin dia bahagia.

Hal tersulit adalah aku bisa ikut bahagia apabila orang yang kucintai berbahagia dengan pilihannya, tetapi disamping itu Aku kacau karena orang yang kucintai pergi bersama orang lain. Tapi, aku mencoba untuk merelakannya. Aku mencoba untuk bisa bertahan di kakiku sendiri, tanpa bantuan dari siapapun, walaupun itu bantuan dari Aditya.

Aku mungkin wanita yang rapuh.
Tapi aku yakin aku bisa bertahan dengan melihat orang yang kucintai berbahagia.